Sunday, 13 February 2011

WWJD? Weddings marriage

I have just come back from the Cathedral and there was a big wedding show on I dare not contemplate one of my children getting hitched there with all the trappings. I mused Jesus bursting through the Western doors and starting to knock over a few stalls. Left dry by the sermon my mind wandered.

What can I comment? I had a full blown white wedding in 1986 costing £2,000 (I think I would have to add another 0 for inflation today). I could have saved a bit of money IF I had allowed the funeral directors cars, Rev father in law had a done a few favours.

What makes a successful marriage? I may have a few ideas, been through 25 years of the roller coaster ride. It has been financially stressful, but God has provided. The hardest, most expensive, but most rewarding part is of course bringing up children. The greatest stress like most has been financial.

A lot hinged on our wedding setting the standard. I changed the Methodist Service. I was no chattel to be handed over from one man to another, so Rev father in law said to my Dad... 'Who supports Lorraine in her marriage to David'. Both families were in this together. David gave in he never wanted the whole package, and only ever promised until death for the day.... that was 365.242 days x 25 years later = 9,131.05 promises.... and still counting, until I am dead I suppose. But we both knew exactly what we were getting with each other. 
Christ was the centre right from the start, first brother and sister in Christ before lovers, and then married. We actually took communion together, and the hymns we chose?
Mendelssohn's Wedding March
All Praise to our Redeeming Lord
Jesus Stand Among us at the meeting of our lives
Let there be love shared amongst us
Bind us Together Lord

Trust me we have had our moments, both individually and as a couple. The need to realise when the other is needing the other and being able to give and receive that unconditionally and equally. Both blessed with the ability to recognise when we are individually needing God to move working on self as well as each other.

Starting off